Injection Molding News and Resources

Sample of Plastic Injection Molding Products

JATCO, Inc., Injection Molding News and Resources

We hope you can use this section to learn a bit more about our industry and how to effectively operate in it.  We will be sharing you with latest news on injection molding, resources to help you make the right decision, business tips, and more.

Working with Metal Plating for Plastics

There are some applications where nothing works better than a real metal finish, but with compound shapes and curves, metal stamping is both impractical and cost prohibitive. JATCO, Incorporated, has extensive experience with plated product. With plateable grade resins available for some resins such as ABS, we can

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Specifying Cosmetics on Plastic Parts

Did you know there is an easy and effective way to specify cosmetics on plastic parts? JATCO, Incorporated follows standardized specifications to help you define your aesthetic expectations for your new molded parts. We can help you identify primary, secondary, and non-cosmetic surfaces, and define limits for cosmetic

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What is Mold Classification and Why Is It Important?

Why are some molds more expensive than others for the same part? Maybe it is because of mold classification! Mold classification determines the life span or approximate number of cycles a typical mold can last before replacement or end of life. Each mold is built to a classification

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Made In the USA Plastic Manufacturing Pays Off, BIG TIME

Recently many imported plastic manufactured goods have experienced a severe setback as shipping ports on both coasts haven’t been able to keep up with the large influx of cargo ships.  Inventory has been sitting on the oceanic cargo vessels while port crews work day and night dealing with a

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What is Overmolding?

At our Modesto plastic injection molding facility we get a lot of questions from our customers and wanted to share one that about a plastic injection molding process called Over-Molding. What is Overmolding and How Does it Work? Overmolding (also known as over-molding) is a distinctive injection molding

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What is an injection molding machine and how does it work?

This is a question we hear a bit and wanted to give everyone a quick explanation of what exactly an injection molding machine is and how its capable of turning little plastic pellets into a sturdy finished product. First let’s quickly go over what injection molding process actually

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1500-ton Injection Molding Machine

JATCO, Incorporated has a wide range and depth of state-of-the-art injection molding machines that have the capabilities to create small, intricate objects that are barely visible, to large products the size of roadside garbage bins, pallets, and agricultural crates. In our Modesto facility, our largest press is 1500-tons,

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What is Injection Molding

What is Injection Molding? Injection molding is a process that is used to produce both large and small volume of parts that are typically made out of plastic resin pellets that can virgin, recycled, engineered and/or compounded with biomaterials.  The process of injection molding itself is a little

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